How can we help you ?

 Owner :

An existing or future investment project? Do you have a question?



Click here to book a telephone appointment with Kevin

Or contact our team by telephone or e-mail:

+33 (0)7 86 11 33 71

Opening hours of the telephone hotline for homeowners :

Monday to Friday, 10am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 6.30pm.




   Traveller :

Do you have a question about a future booking or a current booking?



 +33 (0)3 57 48 07 33

You can also send us a message via the messaging system of the platform you're using for your booking. We'll be delighted to answer your request!

If your request concerns access to the property, the code for the key box, or parking near the property, we invite you to consult the house guide that we sent you by e-mail once you had made your reservation.